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Asian Journal of Health Sciences (2347-5218) is a multidisciplinary, peer reviewed, open access, halfyearly journal which publishes a wide range of scientific works including original research papers, case reports, reviews, audits, editorials, book reviews. It includes work from basic science, clinical science, dental, nursing and other related medical fields. The journal is published 2 issues per year (March and September). Each issue of Asian Journal of Health Sciences publishes Original Articles, Review Articles, Case Reports, Editorials and Letters to the Editor.

Latest Articles

Dr. Pham's Square

Phuc Van Pham
Editor in Chief

Health science is the discipline of applied science which deals with human and animal health. Health science aims to study, research and apply the knowledge to improve health, cure diseases, and understanding how humans and animals functions.

Journal Information

ISSN: 2347-5218

DOI Prefix: 10.15419

Indexed: Google Scholar

Annual Journal Metrics


16.5 days to first decision for all manuscripts

31 days from submission to acceptance

12 days from acceptance to publication

Acceptance Rate




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BioMedPress will publish Asian Journal of Health Sciences from 2018


Asian Journal of Health Sciences (2347-5218) has been published by Sydus Publishing (India) since 2013. This journal is a multidisciplinary, peer reviewed, open access, halfyearly journal which publishes a wide range of scientific works including original research papers, case reports, reviews, audits, editorials, book reviews.

Read more about BioMedPress will publish Asian Journal of Health Sciences from 2018
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