Accepted Articles

Just Accepted Manuscripts

"Just Accepted" manuscripts are peer-reviewed and accepted for publication. They are posted online with authors and titles prior to technical editing, formatting for publication, and author proofing. The "Just Accepted" manuscript is removed from the Website upon publication.


 Saptashwa Datta.  A systematic study on the recent crisis in public health in Kerala.

Asmaa Mahmoud Abuaisha, Lamia Faisal Abou Marzoq, Eman Saad Fayyad, Mai Sufian Eljbour... Association of Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Gene Insertion-Deletion Polymorphism with Type 2 Diabetic Nephropathy in Gaza Strip-Palestine

Ensiyeh jenabi, Salman Khazaei. Prevalence rate of intimate partner violence by WHO region: an appraisal by current data

Solomon Tabat Yaya, M.SC., Asmaa Mahmoud Abuaisha, M.SC., Joseph Gyutorwa Samson... Knowledge, Awareness and Attitudes to Breast Cancer among School Teachers in Kaduna Metropolis, Kaduna State, Nigeria

Roya Karimeh, farzaneh zaheri, roonak shahoie, nazila olyaie; daem roshan. The relationship between mental health and resilience in Midwives working in Kurdistan province, 2017-2018