The present study was carried out to observe the knowledge of Medical research ethics among medical students. The study was conducted in the Department of Microbiology, Bidar Institute of Medical sciences, Bidar. 200 male (n=100) and female (n=100) second, third & final year MBBS students were included in the study. The standard questionnaire was used to assess participants' knowledge in research ethics. Knowledge of both male andfemalestudentsregardingresearchethics.Inourstudywehaveobservedthat veryfewstudentshasknowledgeabouttheresearchethics.However, comparatively female students are having better knowledge about research ethics than males. We conclude that overall knowledge about Medical research ethics in medical students was very poor and there is a need to introduce research ethics as one mandatory subject in medical syllabus, as research ethics has applicability. Medical council of India must consider this aspect and introduce a Research ethics department in Medical field along with other departments.
Issue: Vol 3 No 1 (2015)
Page No.:
Published: Jun 30, 2015
Section: Research articles
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